How to turn LinkedIn into a 6 figure sales channel (pt 2)

Hey Engineers,

No one buys from people they don’t trust.

Trust is the single most important factor in the sales process.

So if we want someone to buy from us - even listen to us, engage with us, pay attention to us before hand - we must be perceived as a trusted source of guidance. Someone credible.

See, the messenger matters. Who says something matters more than what they said.

Want your messaging to land? You need to be seen as ‘worth listening to’.

And actually deal has 3 sales:

  • Convincing someone on the product

  • Convincing someone on themselves

But before that…

  • Convincing them on yourself

So, how do you create authority positioning.

  1. You need a ‘Frame’

A frame is a statement of credibility that provides irrefutable proof that you are well positioned to speak on this subject. Think previous results, milestones, stories, social proof.

Example - my frame is that I’ve generated over $2M and helped 200 entrepreneurs build their LinkedIn profiles.

  1. You need a Value Proposition

A value proposition tells your audience exactly what you can help them achieve - what’s in it for them.

You value proposition should be clear, concise and specific.

Use this is a structure: I help [audience] to [result] without [objection]

Example - I help coaches and consultants generate leads on LinkedIn without sacrificing their authority.

  1. You need a Positioning Statement

A positioning statement is your intention for how you want to be perceived. If I were to ask someone in your audience how they’d describe you in a year’s time, what would you want them to say? Condense this into a single sentence.

A positioning statement acts as a great reference point for everything else you do in this process. You can ask yourself, “Am I creating the right positioning?”

Once you have these 3 things you’ll have a solid foundation to build the rest of this system upon.

But don’t skip this. It’s not sexy, but everything else is pointless if you ignore it.
