How to turn LinkedIn into a 6 figure sales channel

Hey Engineers,

If you want to turn LinkedIn into a lead machine you need to nail your offers*.

When I say offers, most people think I just mean the product you provide to customers when they pay you.

But you’re actually making offers all the time, even when you don’t know it.

See, every interaction is an exchange of value.

Every exchange of value involves an offer.

When someone sees your content, you’re exchanging attention for insight.

When someone downloads your lead magnets, you’re exchanging contact info for knowledge.

When someone books a strategy call, you’re exchanging time for direction.

Offers are everywhere, and to maximise conversion rate you need to make sure your offers are appealing.

How? Quite simply, what they get out must far outweigh what they put in.

I find this thought exercises useful in ensuring you’re always tipping the scales in their favour:

For content, ask “Would I pay $50 for this?”
For lead magnets, ask “Is this better than my competitors paid stuff?”
For paid offers, ask “Would this still be worth it if I was charging 2x the price?”

Run through everything your offering to the market right now and ask these questions!

Go make some money!
