Part 6/6: Engage your network

How to turn LinkedIn into a 6 figure sales channel

Hey Engineers,

I’ve sold over $2M for my business in the last 3 years without actually being THAT good at sales. In fact, I’d say in the grand scheme of things I’d say I’m a terrible salesperson.

So how do I get prospects turning up to calls WANTING to work with us and ready to spend 4 figures every month?

I use this lead nurture flow.

The first step is to take connections off LinkedIn into a deeper engagement.

Truthfully, very few people will DM you on LinkedIn ready to buy.

They’re not ready to make that commitment yet. Working with you is a huge commitment, but engaging on your LinkedIn content is low commitment. There’s a huge commitment gap between the two that only about 5% of people will make.

For the other 95% we need to gradually increase the commitments they’re willing to make until they trust us enough to commit the whole way.

We do this by increasing the time, effort or money they commit to us gradually and give them slightly more information in return each time.

My favourite way to do this is with Scorecards, but you could also do:

  • Email courses

  • Lead magnets

  • Templates

  • Events

  • VSLs

Here’s my full Scorecard process so you can copy it.

ps. You’re welcome to build this whole system out on your own.

But I have created a community of entrepreneurs like you and I’m teaching them how to build and optimise it step by step.

Not only is the full process laid out step by step, but I also have exact templates for your profile, content, landing pages, funnels, emails and live calls every week to help you through the process and answer your questions.

It includes:

  • 6 Modules of step by step guidance

  • 60+ of high performing lead generating post templates ($297 value)

  • 200 viral plug & play hook templates ($397 value)

  • Weekly updated content prompts and hook templates ($99 value)

  • My exact Profile Template that generates leads every week ($297 value)

  • My exact funnels, email sequences and landing pages ($3999 value)

  • Weekly Live Calls ($1977 value)

It’s only $297 at the moment.

This weekend I’m adding a 90 day roadmap to give you everything you need to generate leads.

Plus if you join and DM me ‘INFLUENCE’ inside the community, I’ll personally record a video for you with 3 personalised tips to improve your lead flow.

What’s more, if you implement everything but don’t get a lead in 90 days I’ll refund your money.

You literally can’t lose.

So you’ve got a couple of options:

  1. Spend the time doing all of this yourself

  2. Fast track the process and get hands on support

Totally up to you…

Link here if you’re ready to finally build the business of your dreams: