Part 5/6: Engage your network

How to turn LinkedIn into a 6 figure sales channel

Hey Engineers,

Ever heard of Google’s 7/11/4 rule?

Google conducted a study and found that in order to buy from you a prospect needs 7 hours of interaction across 11 touchpoints and 4 locations with you before they buy.

That’s an indication of the importance of trust in 2024.

Those locations/touchpoints/interactions could be things like:

  • LinkedIn Content

  • YouTube videos

  • Emails

  • Calls

  • Texts

  • etc.

One way we quickly rack up our interaction volume and build trust with our network is by showing up in the circles they’re already in. To do this, you should find profiles they already follow and engage with their content. Every day leave 5-10 meaningful comments on posts from people with a similar audience to your target customers.

They’ll see that content, and your comment, and funnel over to your profile.

It’s the easiest way to rack up engagements and steal other people’s audiences.

Not sexy, but effective.

Hope this helps!
