My 6 Figure LinkedIn Content Funnel Revealed

The only 3 types of content you need to post to win clients.

Hey Engineers,

Publishing content is the single best thing to grow your business and generate leads in 2024.

But if you have the wrong strategy, it becomes an expensive waste of time.

Use the right strategy and you’ll have people queuing up to work with you every single week.

So instead of guessing, just use the content strategy responsible for $2M in sales for my business.

This strategy also helped our client Olly build a waitlist of clients worth over $70K/month

And Mike to sell $30K of consulting in the first 3 months of the year.

And Shan sell out his accelerator within 2 weeks of launching.

It gets you views, followers and leads.

It’s tried and tested, but remarkably simple.

Really, to win clients on LinkedIn you just need to:

  1. Make people aware you exist

  2. Build trust with them

  3. Make them an offer

Giving us 3 types of content to post:

  1. Awareness → Make people aware you exist

  2. Consideration → Build trust with them

  3. Conversion → Make them an offer

Let’s break down each one.

Awareness Content

The sole aim of awareness content is to reach as many of your target audience as possible - and therefore increase the pool of people you can build trust with. Don’t try and sell with this content - we can do that later. The first thing we need before that is your attention.

To do that on LinkedIn, you need to publish broad, industry-relevant content.

Don’t be too dialed in your ICP. You want everyone in the industry to be able to engage with this content. The aim is to make it easy to engage with, as engagement drives views. We can build authority and share value in the next phase.

For example, if you run a CRO agency for ecom brands, your Awareness Content should be aimed at anyone in the marketing or ecom industry.

If you’re a exec coach for senior leaders at FTSE 100 companies, your Awareness Content should appeal to anyone in leadership positions.

If you get this right you’ll get results like our client Tom, who generated 5M views in his first 90 days.

If you ignore it, you’ll never reach the volume of people you need to win the amount of business you want.

This should make up 40% of your strategy

Consideration Content

Consideration content is designed to build authority and trust. It’s about showing your expertise by teaching your audience, giving them valuable insight they can use in their own lives. Again we’re not trying to sell just yet. We just want to build trust with people that already know you.

If you just have Awareness content, you’ll have a following larger than your bank account. Never a good look. You need Consideration content to prove you’re an expert.

This content is targeted at your niche, so is more specific than your awareness content, but not exclusively targeted at your ICP.

For example, taking the CRO agency from above, this content might target ecom brands in the supplement industry. The life coach might target VPs, directors and CEOs.

Pro tip:

Don’t just share information.

Turn your information into frameworks and processes. Having a framework or process shows true expertise and helps your audience actually implement the information within them.

Get this right and you’ll have people reaching out directly to pay you (handsomely).

This should make up 40% of your content.

Conversion Content

Finally, you need to convert the audience you have built trust with into leads. This content is heavily tied to the next section - social selling.

Conversion content should be hyper-specific to your ICP, and include things like case studies, free guides, results, etc. You want to show your audience that results are inevitable when they work with you - if they’re not, work on your product/service until they are!

Be highly targeted here. If you’re the CRO agency, you might target Heads of Marketing at 7-8 figure supplement brands who are already spending 6 figures on ads. If you’re the leadership coach, you’re targeting c-suite executives at FTSE 100 companies.

One of the best forms of Conversion content are giveaways. Giveaways involve promoting a highly valuable resource (outside of linkedIn) that you give away for free in exchange for comments. Here’s how it works:

  • You create a highly valuable guide (something like this one)

  • You promote the guide in a post (emphasizing its value)

  • But you don’t link the guide directly in the post

  • Instead you ask people to comment a specific word (e.g. ‘Me!’)

  • Hundreds of people comment to get the guide

  • You send them the guide via private message

  • Your post reaches thousands of people because of the comments

  • You get hundreds of people downloading your guide

  • Many of those people are leads (read the next section to learn more about converting them)

Look how crazy the results are when you get this right… (these are from our client)

This was a huge driver behind the 141 leads I generated in 90 days.

If you found this useful, you’ll love my entire LinkedIn Lead Generation blueprint.

It shows you the new way to win clients online (without spamming your followers)

Until next week,
