7 Lessons From $2M In B2B Sales

After selling $2M of B2B services by the age of 25, I still don’t consider myself a world class salesperson (testament to a strong brand and lead nurture process).


I have learnt to sell better than 99% of people and have been able to get 7, 8 and 9 figure entrepreneurs to pay me multi-4 figures a month consistently.

I’ve also been mentored by some of the best in the game - salespeople way better than myself.

And from the last 4 years there are 7 VITAL lessons I’ve learnt on sales that will help you win clients with ease:

1. People do judge a book by its cover.

Their first impression of you will largely determine how receptive they are to your advice and how much they trust you.

So get the basics right:

  • Build your personal brand online

  • Show up to meetings on time

  • Ensure you have a decent camera and good audio

  • Make sure you are well groomed and well dressed

  • Speak with conviction and clarity

2. Finish a meeting book a meeting (FAMBAM)

The WORST thing you can do at the end of a meeting with a prospect is leave them to think about it.

That’s a recipe for being ghosted.

Trust me, I’ve been there - constantly chasing a prospect you thought was interested only to be ignored.

Instead, if a prospect needs to think about your proposal - which will happen - you must book another meeting to follow up. Do this before you hang up the phone. ALWAYS have your next meeting in the diary.

3. Scripts will only get you so far

You must learn tonality, pacing, body language too.

I used to think I just needed the perfect script to close clients.

There must be a formula successful salespeople are using that will transform my sales calls too, I thought.

I tried script after script, until I realised… scripts will only get you so far.

Most of them a good, none of them are magic.

The key is in the details - how you deliver it.

Through experience, you’ll pick up the tonality, pacing and body language you need to deliver your pitch with confidence.

4. 90% of the sale happens before the close

The ‘close’ is the business end of sales - where you actually get the commitment from your prospect.

But chances are, the sale happens way before this.

If you get the first 80% of your sales calls right, the close will happen naturally.

5. Logic does matter. It’s not all emotion.

People love to tell you emotion sells.

Yes, it does, and no one is immune from emotion os irrationality.

However, the more seasoned the prospect, the more rational they become about a purchase.

They understand how this sales game works and to an extent, can see through the emotional pull.

Your offer has to work logically for them too.

6. There are 3 sales in every deal

You sell them on the product.

You sell them on themselves.

But first, you sell them on yourself.

This is why perception matters so much.

You must be seen as credible and trustworthy, or you won’t be able to sell even the best of offers.

7. Lead nurture makes a bad salesperson a master closer

I don’t consider myself an excellent salesperson.

However, I have a lead nurturing process that gets people on calls ready to buy from me.

In between the prospect booking a call with you and the call taking place, you should have an automated sequence of ‘nurturing emails’.

Inside the emails:

  • Share your philosophy

  • Solve a problem for them

  • Explain your story

  • Share a case study

This will ‘prime’ them to like and trust you ahead of time.

Very few people do this so you instantly stand out.

(I’ve lost count of the number of times this has won us deals over competitors.

Bonus: Conviction is the no. 1 sales tool.

If you believe in your product, you’ll be 10x more effective as a salesperson.

People can smell conviction (or lack of it), so if you don’t truly believe in your offer, you’re always going to struggle to sell.

Learn these 7 lessons and you’ll be far better equipped to sell big figures to big wigs.

Until next week,
