1 year of growth in 12 weeks

How to make REAL progress this week.

Hey Engineers,

I’ve been using this system to ensure I’m constantly making SIGNIFICANT progress towards my goals every single week, not just tiny baby steps.

Sharing it with you so you can hit your goals faster too.

I always work in 90 day sprints, trying to align them with quarters of the year.

This system below allows you to make so much progress by focusing on what really matters that you can complete in 3 months what most people do in a year.

It's the 12 week year.

If we want to have a 12 week year, we need to have a 1 month week.

Here's how to have 1 month weeks…

Break tasks into 3 categories:

High Value Tasks (Growth)
Medium Value Tasks (Maintenance)
Low Value Tasks (Admin)

Break your week down like this:

Mon: High Value Tasks
Tue: High Value Tasks
Wed: Mid Value Tasks
Thur: Mid Value Tasks
Fri: Low Value Tasks

(I personally block 6 or so hours on Sat/Sun to get ahead on high value tasks too. This is up to you but I’d highly recommend it as this is easily the best time for focus each week. A great time for content).

High value tasks are ones that really move the needle in your domain. You will probably have 3 3 of these. They will vary depending on your business and your role, but generating new clients will absolutely 100% be one of them.

There is no excuse not to do this.

High Value Tasks should be prioritised each week and are non-negotiable.

Each week I pick ONE big thing that will create significant improvement in each of these 3 areas.

Trust me when I say that if you just do these things and nothing else you've done more than 90% of people.

Medium value tasks are ones that need to be done for the business to run or will help improve it but aren't going to significantly develop it.

Low value tasks are admin pieces that just need to be ticked off and don't require much brain power.

Do this and you’ll always be moving in the right direction.

Speak soon,
